Family Resources » Meet Your Parent Coordinator

Meet Your Parent Coordinator

Parent Coordinator
Confluence Academies currently has an LEA-wide Parental Involvement Coordinator and Parent Liaisons at all five Confluence Academies schools. Coordinated efforts among all Parent Liaisons provide outside community support to our currently enrolled parents. Parent engagement in schools is a shared responsibility in which schools and other community agencies and organizations are committed to engaging parents in meaningful ways, and parents are committed to actively supporting their children’s and adolescents’ learning and development. Research cited by the Centers for Disease Control indicates that parent engagement in schools is closely linked to improved student behavior, higher academic achievement, and enhanced social skills. Parent engagement also makes it more likely that children and adolescents will avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as sexual risk behaviors and substance abuse.
The Parent Coordinator’s primary responsibilities include creating a welcoming school environment for parents, increasing parent involvement in the school, addressing parents' concerns, communicating specific school information to families, and partnering with and supporting the PTA and PAC.
Meet Your Parent Coordinator
Confluence Preparatory Academy
Joyce Southerland-Wade, Parent Involvement Coordinator
314-588-1088 ext. 5120
Confluence Academy-Old North
Beverly Wells, School Social Worker 
314-241-1110 ext. 1180
Confluence Academy-South City 

Jannelly Villegas 

[email protected]

314-481-4700 ext.4105



Confluence Academy-Aspire
Dr. Tracyne Caumartin, School Social Worker 
314-383-8900 ext. 2206
Grand Center Arts Academy
Breia Williams, School Social Worker 
314-533-1791 ext. 6305
Confluence Academies offers a Community Resource Guide to connect parents with valuable local services and support. Parents can use this guide to find resources for health, education, and family assistance tailored to their needs.
Ways for Parents to Get Involved 
HomeWorks!: The Teacher Home Visit Program partners with underserved schools to empower family and community engagement, enhancing student success. Through teacher training, tools, and funding, HomeWorks! strengthens school-home connections in low-income areas, engaging parents as vital partners in their children's education.
Parent Advisory Council: The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a volunteer organization of dedicated parents who advocate for the school community's interests. PAC empowers parents to actively support their children's educational journeys, fostering inspiration and guidance to help students reach their academic goals