A Note from Confluence Preparatory Academy: Grads explain college to class of ‘16

On Thursday, January 7, 2016, four Confluence Preparatory Academy graduates returned to school for a roundtable discussion on the transition to college.  

Speaking to the senior class, Kamau Barry, Raymond Ford, Aska Arnold and Daniel Ledbetter spent time sharing their experiences as college students. Barry attends Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ford attends Ranken Tech; Arnold attends University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, and Ledbetter attends University of Missouri-St. Louis. Barry, Arnold and Ledbetter graduated in 2015. Ford graduated with the first class from CPA in 2012.

The topics included living in residence halls, food, social life, how to save on books, resources and what it takes to survive academically, as well as policies on late work, attendance and being late to class.

They also pointed out the classes and teachers who best prepared them during their senior year for college. Each of them spoke about Mrs. Brueck’s College Summit classes in five separate small sessions. Hearing the dos and don’ts from their peers will hopefully provide for a smoother transition for the class of 2016.

~Submitted by Rod Cable, counselor, CPA
Photo: Kamau Barry, Raymond Ford, Aska Arnold, Daniel Ledbetter, Rod Cable
*Photo credit: CPA