CPA Future Business Leaders Of America Students Triumph In Competitions

Confluence Prep Academy's Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students recently demonstrated their exceptional skills by participating in challenging online tests, competing against peers from across the country. CPA is proud to announce that numerous scholars secured impressive ranks, showcasing their talents and proficiency in several subject areas.

Leah Murphy claimed the 5th spot in the state of Missouri for Business Basics, securing a fantastic national rank of 73. In the realm of Business Development-Entrepreneurship, Leah continued her stellar performance, securing the 6th spot in Missouri and an outstanding national rank of 54.

Raymiere Frazier achieved the 11th position in the state of Missouri for Computer Science Information Technology, earning a notable national rank of 79, placing him in the top echelons of the competition.

Aiya Anesca secured the 21st spot in Missouri for Financial Concepts with a national rank of 131. In Management Decision Making, she clinched the 25th spot in the state and a national rank of 191.

Taylor Visor placed 22nd in the state for Financial Concepts and an impressive national rank of 134.

Kayla Crowder secured the 27th spot in the state in Business Basics with a national rank of 199.

Danyah Hamilton took the 30th position in the state for both Business Development-Entrepreneurship, as well as Marketing Sales-Communications, with national ranks of 226 and 247, respectively.

The triumphs extended beyond individual performances as CPA's FBLA students engaged in the Virtual Business Challenge. Operating as cohesive teams, they participated in a simulation where they undertook real-world business tasks in management, fashion, and accounting. Their stellar teamwork resulted in a 3rd place ranking in the state for Accounting, 6th in Fashion, and an impressive 13th in Management.

A huge congratulations to all of these students for their outstanding achievements!